So where did Sweet Pea & Sparrow come from? What does it mean to me?
Sweet Pea was my nickname given to me by my mom when I was a baby and a name that our toddler has also grown to know. Sweet Peas are also a plant that are beautiful and wonderfully fragrant, but are not edible and are indeed highly poisonous. The amazing thing about the Sweet Pea and the thing that resonated with me is that it only grows as great as it's support system. In a community of makers, creators and artists, a support system is one thing I've come to believe is imperative for growth. Makers supporting their fellow makers, community over competition. The community I have uncovered in this journey is absolutely incredible! It's filled with men and women doing amazing things with their own hands to support themselves and their families. They are determined. Hell hath no fury over a maker on a deadline at 2am!
Sparrows represent joy and celebrating the small things in life. They symbolize creativity, community, simplicity, and empowerment. Other interpretations include that the sparrow is meant to be a positive omen, friendly, caring and productive. That describes a maker to a T. As a worker, sparrows and makers alike are hardworking and vigilant. If you want to have a joyful, lovely, and happy life, the sparrow guides you to work hard and not sit idle. For those that know me best-idle is not a word found in my day to day life.
I plan on bringing gardening, chicken tending, yarn adventures of all types, maybe a little toddler humor and all the adventures we find to you. As always questions and comments are welcome and I'm happy to address any questions you have to the best of my ability! I cannot wait to bring you along on this adventure.
Welcome to Sweet Pea & Sparrow and thank you for following along!
Stay Creative and Happy Making,
Sweet Pea & Sparrow